“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”

-Ansel Adams

Katy resides in her hometown community of Hallowell-Farmingdale.

As a kid, she grew up taking family day trips to all the wonderful places Maine has to offer. She continues this tradition with her son, family, and friends, always bringing her camera to capture the memories.

Katy has over 20 years of experience working in local photo labs and stores. She is primarily self taught while also learning from fellow photographers through the years. She has continued her education Online through the Night Photography Academy learning about more detailed techniques, gear, and post processing specific for capturing images of the night sky. Using these skills to not only expand her photographic views but elevate all aspects of her photography.

Katy discovered a real love for capturing the night sky in 2020 with the arrival of Comet NEOWISE. She is now primarily a photographer of the night sky but she still loves creating beautiful landscape images around Maine and New England.

You can find Katy’s work being exhibited in shows with the First Light Camera Club out of Brunswick, Maine.

Stop. Breathe. And become immersed in the present beauty.

From late nights to early mornings and the times in between.
My images invite you to experience the same peace I feel when out capturing them.
Join me out under the stars for some Star Therapy.

When I first heard the words, Star Therapy, they resonated deep inside me. Someone had finally coined a phrase for the peace and comfort that fills my soul experiencing and photographing nature and the sky at night.
Through my photography, I have explored the natural beauty Maine has to offer. That beauty doesn’t diminish when the sun goes down however. In fact, I find it is enhanced by the magical glow of the stars.

Life is busy. Never ending to-do lists; laundry, dishes, minor home repairs, laundry, school events, work, appointments, laundry..... again. The lists go on and on. But have you ever noticed these to-do lists rarely have any self care items on them? Mine sure don’t. So to get that self care, I make time out under the night sky.
I find when I am out shooting the night sky, I am fully present in the moment. So caught up in what I am doing and the spectacular view above me that I forget all about that long list I left incomplete on the kitchen counter. With my images, I invite you to also forget about your to-do list.